Unlock The Science of Wellbeing


Grounded in the science of happiness —transform your media diet into fuel for your wellbeing. By the end of this course, you will not only understand the invisible effects of media but also know how to leverage them to enhance every aspect of your life — from better mental health and mindset to improved relationships and productivity.

Unlock The Science of Wellbeing

Master Your Media, Master Your Mind

Grounded in the science of happiness —transform your media diet into fuel for your wellbeing. By the end of this course, you will not only understand the invisible effects of media but also know how to leverage them to enhance every aspect of your life — from better mental health and mindset to improved relationships and productivity.

Unlock The Science of Wellbeing

Master Your Media, Master Your Mind

Grounded in the science of happiness —transform your media diet to fuel your wellbeing. By the end of this course, you will not only understand the invisible effects of media but also know how to leverage them to enhance every aspect of your life—from your mental health to your relationships and productivity.

Why Master Your Media, Master Your Mind Course?

In today’s digital world, your media diet holds a powerful key to your success and happiness. Yet most likely, it’s not something you’ve consciously designed.

Everyday you’re bombarded with a stream of negative news and distracting media content that not only steals your time but secretly robs you of connection, reduces your productivity, and chips away at your happiness – often without you noticing.

But what if you could reclaim control? This course delivers powerful, practical strategies to help you take control and thrive in the digital age.

Using the science of wellbeing, this course will help you transform your media diet into a tool to improve your mental health, fuel your focus, and unlock your incredible potential.  

Don’t just manage your media – master it! Upgrade your media diet and watch as the quality of your life transforms.


Transform Your Media Diet, Transform Your Life

With a compassionate approach, rooted in the science of wellbeing and years of research, Jodie will guide you through the small but strategic shifts needed to transform your media diet.

Enhance Mental Clarity

Learn strategies to filter out distracting and harmful media, allowing you to regain focus and boost mental energy.

Boost Emotional Wellbeing

Craft a media diet that goes beyond protecting your mental health to actively enhancing it.

Transform Quality of Life

Learn strategies to build a media diet that supports your life goals and fuels your personal power.

  • “It is no exaggeration to say that changing my media diet changed my life. I didn’t realise how much it was affecting my mental health – and now I feel so much better, I am less anxious, more present, more productive and have far more strategies to support my wellbeing”.  

    Kathryn Davis



How does Master Your Media, Master Your Mind course work?

Master Your Media, Master Your Mind is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools to take control of media’s impact on your life, transforming your overall well-being and enhancing the quality of your life. Here's what you'll get:

Step-by-step Video Training

Dive into the engaging video lessons that guide you through every aspect of mastering your media diet. Learn proven techniques and strategies to optimize your digital habits and enhance your overall well-being.

Holistic Approach

Unlike courses that focus solely on technical skills, this program integrates psychology, behavioral science, and hands-on practice to provide a holistic approach to help you master your media diet and transform the quality of your life.

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Engage directly with me and get answers to your burning questions during our live Q&A coaching calls. These sessions are your opportunity to receive guidance, clarity, and support as you upgrade media diet and transform the quality of your life.

Ready to transform your media habits and improve your mental health? Join Master Your Media, Master Your Mind today!


Master Your Media, Master Your Mind

This course is 3.5 hours. You will get access to 33 impactful lessons (between 5-9 minutes each) to upgrade your media diet and improve your mental health, empower your mindset and transform the quality of your life. 




Choose from self-paced learning for flexibility at your own speed, or enhance your experience with group coaching included for additional guidance and support.


  • Lesson 1: Introduction video and thank you for joining
  • Lesson 2: Overview of the course and benefits
  • Lesson 3: Setting yourself up for success
  • Lesson 4: Setting a compelling vision – find your why to guide your way
  • Lesson 5: Mapping Your Media Habits – The First Step to Mastery

Module 2: Media Diet, Mental Health and Quality of Life

  • Lesson 1: What is a media diet?
  • Lesson 2: How to combat information overload
  • Lesson 3: Media diet, mindset, and mood
  • Lesson 4: Impact on physical health
  • Lesson 5: Breathing Light: Meditation for Stress Reduction and Inner Peace
  • Lesson 6: Social Connection is a Key to Happiness
  • Lesson 7: How your media diet affects your sleep
  • Lesson 8: Time for a change

Module 3: Navigating News and Building Hope

  • Lesson 1: Why talk about news?
  • Lesson 2: How right are you about the world today?
  • Lesson 3: The Problem with the Pessimism (and how to build hope)
  • Lesson 4: The truth about fake news
  • Lesson 5: Working with your brain (not against it)
  • Lesson 6: The Power of Perspective

Module 4: Building Better Media Habits

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Media Habits
  • Lesson 2: Illusion of choice
  • Lesson 3: Science of habit formation
  • Lesson 4: Building new habits
  • Lesson 5: Breaking old habits
  • Lesson 6: Building healthy family habits

Module 5: Upgrade Your Media Diet, Upgrade Your Life

  • Lesson 1: Rewiring your brain for focus, fulfilment and limitless potential
  • Lesson 2:   Priming yourself with your media
  • Lesson 3:  Empower your mindset for peak performance
  • Lesson 4:   Improving focus and productivity
  • Lesson 5:  Digital detox drills

Module 6: From Management to Mastery

  • Lesson 1: Creating Lasting Change
  • Lesson 2: Building a media diet in purpose (not just on purpose)
  • Lesson 3: Media Mission Statement

Through these lessons, you'll on transform your media habits  from a source of distraction and stress into fuel for productivity, purpose, and power.




All that is needed for this course is an open mind and a desire to upgrade your mindset and quality of life


Is this course right for you?

Master Your Media, Master Your Mind is designed for:


Busy Professionals who want to improve mental clarity, and supercharge their focus and productivity.


Individuals who feel stressed, distracted or anxious by their screens and looking for improved emotional wellbeing and inner peace.


Parents who want to build empowering media habits at home and support their kids to build healthy media habits too.

Ready to step into your power and design a media diet that improves the quality of your life?


You’re in the right place

Are you feeling overwhelmed by how much media consumes your time and attention? Have you noticed it's affecting your mood, stress levels, or even your relationships? Or maybe you want transform your media habits to enhance your mental health, boost your productivity, and ultimately lead a happier, more fulfilled life.

If you resonate with the above, you are in the right place. "Master Your Media, Master Your Mind" will help you turn everyday media consumption into a powerful tool for personal growth and fulfilment. By the end of this course, you will not only understand the invisible effects of media but also know how to leverage them to enhance every aspect of your life—from your mental health to your relationships and productivity.

You Might Be Thinking...
 I don't have enough time to take a course.  

Think Again: Our course is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. It's self-paced, allowing you to progress at your convenience, even if you have just a few minutes a day. Plus, mastering your media diet will actually save you time in the long run.

 I'm not tech-savvy; this sounds complicated. 

No Worries: You don't need any technical expertise to succeed in this course. We provide easy-to-follow instructions and hands-on support to ensure you can improve your media habits, no matter your starting level.

 This course seems expensive. Is it worth the cost?  

Consider this an investment in your overall well-being. The skills you learn will not only enhance your mental health and productivity but also improve your interpersonal relationships, making it a value-packed choice. To take the risk out of this choice for you, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee - no questions asked. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

 I'm skeptical. Will this actually make a difference?  

Rest Assured: This course is built on proven techniques that have already helped many regain control over their media consumption. You'll gain practical, effective strategies that will make a noticeable difference in your life.

 I've tried changing my habits before, but it didn't stick.  

Rest Assured: This course is built on proven techniques that have already helped many regain control over their media consumption. You'll gain practical, effective strategies that will make a noticeable difference in your life.

If you're ready to make a meaningful change and transform your engagement with media from a source of stress into a source of strength, join us. Transform your media habits, transform your life. Let's get started!


Make a Decision And Choose
Your Learning Journey

Master Your Media, Master Your Mind offers two distinct learning paths tailored to fit your lifestyle and learning preferences.

For the Independent Learner

Self-Paced Progress: Perfect for those who want to control the pace and timing of transformation. Ideal for those who prefer a self-directed approach or have demanding schedules that require flexibility.

Flexibility: Access the course materials anytime, anywhere, and move through the content at your own pace.


Independent learning with Group Coaching

This package includes everything in the self-paced program. In addition, you'll join a dynamic community of fellow learners for three exclusive group coaching sessions. This option includes 3 live group coaching sessions led by Jodie Jackson, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning community.

Interactive Learning: Participate in live discussions and workshops that enhance understanding and retention.

Guided Instruction: Get your questions answered and receive direct feedback and personalized guidance from Jodie.

Transform your media, Transform your life

Click the button above to view the details and buy the course.


Hear What They Have To Say


Danielle Batist



Jodie is a compelling speaker. She connects the dots between positive psychology, mental health and media consumption in a way that is accessible and appealing. On stage, in front of hundreds of people, a classroom full of children or a one-to-one encounter: she cares about the wellbeing of her audiences. She generously shares tools and insights to navigate 24-7 news and social media feeds, and helps you understand how focussing on solutions is a crucial aspect of a more hopeful and joyful way of life.


Dr Mark Williamson



Jodie is a fantastic speaker. She combines great energy and passion with strong evidence-based arguments and inspiring personal stories. If you want someone to grab people's attention, shift their perspectives, raise important questions and leave people feeling hopeful and empowered with new ideas then Jodie is the perfect fit!


Simon Bucknall



Passionate, insightful, empowering and - most of all - optimistic. If you or your organisation seeks a fresh and empowering perspective on how to navigate the challenges of a media-saturated, Information Age, then book Jodie. She helps shift world-views, drive productivity and benefit mental and emotional well-being. Recommended on every level!

These stories show what's possible. Want to transform your media diet? Check out our courses and start your journey to success!


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